Time zone changes from version 2006m1 to 2006m2: Date : Tuesday September 26, 2006 14:40 CDT File : 2006m2.txt * Gaza and the West Bank (Palestine) has left DST early (probably because of Ramadan) according to an article in The Palestine News Network http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=596&Itemid=5 which runs "The Council of Ministers announced that this year its winter schedule will begin early, as of midnight Thursday. It is also time to turn back the clocks for winter. Friday will begin an hour late this week." This is in line with the switch in Egypt and Syria making all three leave DST at the same time. Old End Rule : Wednesday 4.th. of October 2006 at 2:00 New End Rule : Friday 22.nd. of September 2006 at 0:00 * Brazil still has the old election machines that were giving problems in 2002, (see http://www.worldtimeeexplorer.com/2002c2.txt !) and this year they implement a similar late DST Start until November: Old Start Rule: First Sunday after 15.th. of October 2006 at 0:00 New Start Rule: 5.th. of November 2006 at 0:00 (In Portuguese) http://jc.uol.com.br/tvjornal/2006/09/18/not_107666.php Regards, Jesper Nørgaard Welen GMT = Greenwich Mean Time DST = Daylight Saving Time WTE = World Time Explorer World Time Explorer 1.8: http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/index.html e-mail: support@worldtimeexplorer.com this text: http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/2006m2.txt ... see also http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/2006m1.txt TZ Database: http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub