Time zone changes from version 2006d2 to 2006f1: Date : Saturday May 6, 2006 1:45 CDT File : 2006f1.txt * The conclusion in version 2006d2 that Nicaragua would apply DST this year was confirmed, now we have a source saying that Nicaragua will leave DST 30.th. of September 2006, and since this coincides with Guatemala reported as 1.st. of October at 0:00, I will set it at that date with 2:00 as the end time. http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/2006/05/01/nacionales/18410: Old End rule: Last Sunday of August 2006 at 2:00 (guessed) New End rule: First Sunday of October at 2:00 (guessed!) * Encouraged by the consideration that Guatemala and Nicaragua applied DST, apparently Honduras decided to apply it too, this Sunday 7.th. of May at 0:00: http://ar.news.yahoo.com/060503/4/qmx7.html I would take this with more than a grain of salt, but have decided to put the change for the time being, we will see if they follow through on this. The end time will be 4 months later according to the article, I put it as Last Sunday of August at 0:00, although any guess at this point is valid. Start Rule: First Sunday of May at 0:00 End Rule: Last Sunday of August at 0:00 (guessed) Why do I doubt it, see this: * There are reports that El Salvador will apply DST this weekend, http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_elsalvador01.html However this article seems to indicate that the change has not been decided definitely yet, and awaits to see if Honduras implements its own DST: http://www.laprensagrafica.com/lodeldia/883.asp ... it has the interesting claim that Honduras changed the same time as Guatemala and Nicaragua. At the moment I will not put DST for El Salvador, although I presume they will, also because the "two weeks postponing" was just a loose formulation from the Finance Ministry, so we wouldn't know when to put it anyhow. * The DST in Guatemala is reported to end the 30.th. of September at 24 hours, or really 1.st. of October at 0:00: http://www.deguate.com/cgi-bin/noticias/print.pl?article=7134 Old Start rule: 30 April at 0:00 New Start rule: Last Sunday of April at 0:00 Old End rule: Saturday 30 September at 0:00 New End rule: First Sunday of October at 0:00 (1.Oct 2006) * Apparently there hasn't been any more news about the ideas of putting Philippines on DST. Regards, Jesper Nørgaard Welen GMT = Greenwich Mean Time DST = Daylight Saving Time WTE = World Time Explorer World Time Explorer 1.8: http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/index.html e-mail: support@worldtimeexplorer.com this text: http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/2006f1.txt ... see also http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/2006d2.txt TZ Database: http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub