Time zone changes from version 2006c1 to 2006c2: Date : Thursday April 13, 2006 13:00 CDT File : 2006c2.txt As I mentioned in version 2006b2.txt, Sri Lanka is changing from GMT+6 to GMT+5.5 like India, on the 13.th. of April at midnight (local time), or 14.th. of April at 0:00 setting the clock half an hour back. When the shareware version of WTE 2.0 is released, it will have a new file format where this kind of change is easy to handle, you can specify at any time in the future (years ahead, if necessary) when a specific place announces GMT offset change. Regards, Jesper Nørgaard Welen GMT = Greenwich Mean Time DST = Daylight Saving Time WTE = World Time Explorer World Time Explorer 1.8: http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/index.html e-mail: support@worldtimeexplorer.com this text: http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/2006c2.txt ... see also http://www.worldtimeexplorer.com/2006c1.txt TZ Database: http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub